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EDLD 5313

This section of my blog site will showcase work that I have completed in the EDLD 5313 course at Lamar University. Please feel free to look around and leave a comment to help me grow as an educator. 

New Culture of Learning

A New culture of Learning in the Classroom 


Fundamental Ideas from a New Culture of Learning 


At the School of Science and Technology we focus on the three pillars of student success. Those pillars are social, emotional and academic. If one of the pillars is not being met in the classroom, then to simply put it, the student will not focus on learning. Utilizing these three pillars I have aligned them within my classroom and look to adopt the aspects of the New Culture of Learning by Doug Thomas and John Seely Brown ( 2011). The learning environment is conducive to students making meaningful connections to their learning. The classroom should not be seen as its own entity but rather learning environments in which digital media provides access to a rich source of information and play. ( Thomas and Brown, 2011) Students are required to be in school at minimum 8 hours a day, which I hope to alleviate with incorporating kinesthetic activities that disguise learning with play. 

The next aspect that I will incorporate within my classroom is the changing the teaching approach to teach students and engage thm within the world rather than teaching them about the world. ( Thomas and Brown, 2011) This will help them understand the importance of learning and why it is meaningful to them. 

The third aspect I will take away from the New culture of learning is how to assess students so that they “get it “ and how it can be incorporated within the real world. Paper based assessments only touch the tip of the iceberg and incorporating projects to showcase students perception of what is being taught can make a difference in their learning. ( Thomas and Brown, 2011) 


Main Challenges 

  • Student engagement 

  • Incorporation of Technology in meaningful ways 

  • Peer to Peer collaboration to enhance learning opportunities 

  • Student autonomy within their learning


Solutions to main challenges

These challenges can be associated with many classrooms and mine would be no different. I plan to having outlines for student work as well as rubrics to help students stay on track of their assignments and projects. Teaching students how to use technology in meaningful ways to showcase their importance in learning is one aspect that I plan to utilize in my classroom to ensure students are using their tools effectively. Within the learning in my classroom I plan to have students interact with each other so that they may see different perspectives as well as receiving constructive feedback from their peers. Students taking ownership within my classroom is the cohesive aspect of the new culture of learning and will not be utilized to its fullest potential without students given the opportunity to showcase their view on what is being taught. These solutions may change within the utilization of the new culture of learning and will have to be revisited in order to maintain a high quality learning environment. 


Adopting Perspectives with My Organization 


Thomas and Brown ( 2011) stated that embracing change and seeing information as a resource can help us stop thinking of learning as an isolated process of information absorption and start thinking of it as a cultural and social process of engaging with the constantly changing world around us. This resonated with me because when change is being present there will always be resistance. Education is no exception to this aspect of change. I am proud to say that the School of Science and Technology is already at the forefront of applying technology within the curriculum but I believe that when organize it can make the curriculum even better. I believe that adopting the perspective of creating significant learning enviroments will positively impact our school. It will give students that opportunity to showcase what they have learned and how it applies to their daily lives.  


CSLE and its Impact to my Innovation Plan

Education has came a long way and is in dire need of change, especially with the recent COVID-19 pandemic. We as educators can no longer be a sage on the stage but rather shift out role within the classroom as a guide with student learning. When students are presented with a situation that is puzzling they will look to the teacher for an answer. This is where we can ask them another question that will help guide them to the answe they seek so that they can find different avenues for their solution. CSLE has impacted my innovation plan as it reminds me that all students can contribute to their e-poprtfolios in their own way. In my innovation plan I will not change some parameters that incorporate student creativity within its implementation and will be a marker that teachers look for when students generate their work. 



Thomas, Douglas, and John Seely Brown. A New Culture of Learning : Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change. U.S., Douglas Thomas And John Seely Brown, 2011.


My Learning Philosophy 

Learning Philosophy 


I became an educator 5 years ago and have experienced different learning philosophies from various teachers. I have worked in behavior units, alternative campuses, and schools tailored to individual student growth. Each experience helped mold my belief about learning to be what it is today. When I was younger, I was in a completely different head space than I am now, and within that space, I did not value my education as much as I should have. I used to believe that was a waste of time because it had no value to my real-world situations. It was not until I earned my Masters in curriculum and instruction that I fully understood that learning does not need to be boring and that it must be tailored to each student's needs and interests. I believe that learning should be memorable as well as rigorous so that a student can feel validated and challenged. 

Relationships between Teaching and Learning 

The power dynamic between being the teacher and learning is one that if left unchecked can hinder the growth of our students. As stated in the Learning Philosophy “ tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand” is an old saying that speaks volumes of the relationship between teaching and learning. (2021) Education has focused on the teacher being a sage on the stage rather than being a guide to learning for students. We must aim to be a learning facilitator who is focused on the learner and on creating a desirable environment in which the learner can come to know, acquire knowledge, or make a meaningful connection. ( Learning Philosophy, 2021) We must make a conscious effort to make learning meaningful to the students so that we are not forcing information that they feel they do not need to know. 


Beliefs About Myself as a Learner

I have been in higher education since 2018 and have challenged myself to continue learning. I find myself wanting the same experience as my students in my courses so that I am simply not given the answer but rather asked the right questions to go find the answers.I believe that I challenge myself to find what is meaningful to me and apply it to my coursework so that I can get the full experience of learning. This is what I strive for in my classroom for my students so I am simply practicing what I preach so that I can have the same experience as my students. 

Learning Philosophy Vs. Teaching Philosophy 

A learning philosophy is one where learning is based on students' background knowledge so that they can apply what they know to what is being taught. The learning philosophy must utilize an environment that is designed to be student-centered where they can create significant learning environments that will help students learn how to grow into people we all hope they will become. (Learning Philosophy, 2021)  The teaching philosophy is dependent on the learning philosophy and how an educator wants to incorporate it in their classroom. The power dynamic would be centered on a teacher bringing out the student's background knowledge so that they can make meaningful connections to their learning. Without incorporating the learning philosophy, the teaching philosophy would be stuck as a sage on the stage rather than being a guide in a student's learning. 

Cognitivist Learning 

In my teaching, I align with Cognitivist philosophy as it focuses on more complex cognitive processes such as thinking, problem-solving,  language concept formation, and information processing. ( Ertmer and Newby, 1993) This is how I implement learning in my classroom as I want my students to inquire and find solutions rather than them given the answer. Once they find the answer I also want them to be able to understand why that was the solution and think critically if there are other avenues that can be utilized to find different solutions. The process of learning is just as important as the destination of learning and this is what cognitivists believe when it comes to learning processes. I firmly believe that environments play a pivotal role in facilitating learning. ( Ertmer and Newby, 1993) The main theorist that I align with is Jean Piaget who suggests that children's intelligence undergoes changes as they grow.

My Learning Philosophy Impact

The learning theories and learning theory theorists have influenced my own learning philosophy in a manner that helped me grow as an educator. These learning theories have helped me develop my innovation plan to be what it is now. I believe that every student can bring a source of information and can showcase what they know in different ways. Applying critical thinking while adding an individual's own creative means to their learning is how I have my students learn in my classes. I strive to remain a guide in students learning rather than a sage on the stage. This is what drives my current innovation plan so that students have an opportunity for a high-quality educational experience. 


Annotated Bibliography 

Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance improvement quarterly, 6(4), 50-72. 

This journal helped distinguish the different theories of instructional design. It showcases what the different theories prioritize and how to align yourself with those theories. It also explained how psychologists and educators explain the viewpoints and what highlights individuals that align with the theories. 



The learning philosophy helps explain how the learning philosophy is utilized. It also describes how the instructor should be a guide rather than a sage on the stage. It also highlights the importance of having a learning environment that will help the student remove barriers from their learning to maximize the learning that happens in the classroom. 


Main, P. (2011, June 11). Jean Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development.

Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development showcases Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development. It further explains how Piaget views children's learning throughout their life. It later explains that children build on their existing knowledge to model their environment or surrounding world. 


PhD, N. H. (2015, October 23). Developing Students’ Learning Philosophies. Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.

Developing Students' Learning Philosophies focuses on various questions for learners to ask themselves after a learning experience. It has students ask themselves the questions so they can better understand their own learning processes. This will help students better understand why they are pursuing learning rather than just doing the assignment. 

Aligning Outcomes, Assessments and Activities 

Science is a tricky subject as learners must conduct experiments with every aspect that is being taught to help make meaningful connections to what is being taught. Enhancing lessons is an aspect of learning that I am incorporating into my class every day. With that being said, we as educators must consider outcomes and assessments so that activities must align with those aspects of learning. 


I was tasked to create a 3 column table, aligning outcomes, activities, and assessments for a unit in Science. As I was backward planning my unit for investigating forces I had to consider certain aspects when I was designing my 3-column table. 


Learning Environment and Situational Factors


Learning Situation/ Context

The class that will be utilizing this 3-column table has 27 students in it. This class is for 5th graders that meet every day for 45 minutes. There are 5 groups of 5 desks and one group of 4 desks. Every student is one-to-one with Chromebooks in this class. 


General Context of Learning Situation 

Expectations for 5th grade are high and they must apply themselves on a daily basis. There are about 30% at-risk students in this class. We are currently in 2nd place in relation to our district assessments which closely align with STAAR standards. Our district usually performs 40% higher in STAAR standards in science for 5th grade. 


Nature of the Subject

Science is practical in 5th grade as it is always hands-on learning. The class has at minimum one lab per week to reinforce the scientific topics being taught. Science is a subject where learners must conduct experiments to see the real-world applications of what is being taught. Invisible forces are a difficult concept for 5th graders as they have to understand that even if they do not see the force being applied they must understand that it is still there. The standards for 5th grade are always changing and it is the second time elementary students are being tested from material they have learned in 3rd and 4th grade. 


Characteristics of the Learners

The students in the class come from various backgrounds and from different schools in the past. Every student may come with some range of background knowledge about a given scientific concept. One thing remains constant and that is their willingness to learn and apply themselves every day. 


Characteristics of the Teacher 

I always act as a guide in my classroom to help students find the answers to their questions. I remember science class being one of my favorite subjects in school and I want to bring that joy to my current and future students. I am a firm believer that every student can succeed. Every student deserves respect for their pursuit of education. 


Questions/Answers for Formulating Significant Learning Goals

When my 5th graders move on to middle school I hope that they will be able to look at the world around them and see the different forces acting on it and understand natural phenomena from these invisible forces. I would like for them to remain curious to find out which force is being applied in everyday activities. 

My Big Hairy Audacious Goal ( BHAG) for the unit is for learners to be able to recognize invisible forces and to be able to conduct an experiment that shows which force is being applied and the outcome of that force. 


Foundational Knowledge

- Students will be able to understand the various forces that are acting upon us on a daily basis. 

- Students will need to understand the basics of developing an experiment.


Application Goals

- Students need to identify which invisible force they want to investigate 

- Students will need to make procedures and a materials list 

- Students will need to develop a testable hypothesis

-Students will need to be able to conduct trials for their testable hypothesis 

-Students will need to be able to design an experiment that is repeatable


Integration goals 

- Students will need to find connections between invisible forces and the everyday world 

- Students will need to utilize the scientific process within the development of their experiment 

-Students will recognize if their hypothesis is repeatable or needs to be readjusted


Human Dimensions Goals

- Students will learn how to give constructive criticism 

- Students will learn how to complement a given experiment

- Students will learn which role suits them and their group


Learning-How-to-Learn Goals

- Students will learn how to detail their thoughts on paper or in a multimedia format. 

- Students will learn how to piece together their work for an experiment 

- Students will learn how to communicate effectively with their peers. 


BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) – Overarching Course Goal

Learners will be able to recognize and use the scientific method when designing a simple experiment testing one of the invisible forces ( Friction, gravity, push, pull, and magnetism)

3- Column Table



















Fink, L. D. (2005). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. Retrieved from:

3 column table.png

The UbD Template

Planning is crucial in education to ensure that students are receiving high-quality instruction. I was tasked to utilize the Understanding by Design template by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe for one of my science units. This template by Wiggins and McTighe gives educators a detailed plan to help plan for upcoming units. The UbD has 3 stages of learning which are Goals, Assessments, and the Learning Plan.  

This plan helps align the 3 stages of learning to create a cohesive tool that will foster student engagement and student growth. I have attached my UbD which focuses on investing in invisible forces and challenges students to design a simple experiment that supports their testable hypothesis as seen below. 





























Developing a Growth Mindset Plan & Final Compilation

In the previous course, EDLD 5302 I was tasked to start my growth mindset plan for my campus. I have learned new aspects of a growth mindset and how it can better our students at my campus. The factors that I would consider to have an impact on my Growth Mindset would be barriers that we face on a daily basis such as access to resources. It could be navigated around but it would be a barrier nonetheless. When presented with the growth mindset we must advocate to our learners the message of "yet" as it will be a reminder that we are not where we need to be but we must understand that we will get there eventually. Learning is not linear and will have roadblocks at times. It does not mean we must be easily discouraged. This would directly influence a student's perceptions of grades as not everyone is a great test taker. Students could see that they are great at other aspects of learning that have real-world implications and/or connections. This is not an end-all be-all plan and a growth mindset is always a work in progress. I have attached my previous growth mindset and how my outlook has changed since I took this course EDLD 5313. 

Contributions to Your Learning Community- Accelerated ADL Option

EDLD 5313 challenged me to think creatively in order to incorporate an e-portfolio within the curriculum at my school. The Big Hairy audacious goal helped guide a science unit that would challenge students to think more in-depth in relation to science and the invisible forces. Utilizing the BHAG, I was then able to design the UbD template for the investigating forces unit. This was a great help as it challenged me to make our learning more student-centered. 


In EDLD 5313 the discussion posts were insightful because I was able to share my perceptions with my peers and gain insight into their perceptions on the same discussion post. This helped me maintain my growth mindset as there were instances where I missed some crucial aspects of discussions. Ashley Lee helped as we discussed our viewpoints on the New Culture of Learning: Collaborative Discussion post where we discussed further the implications of the new culture of learning. 


EDLD 5303 Applying Education Technology E-portfolio is my second set of courses from my master's program. I was able to contribute more than in my previous course due to not taking on as many responsibilities as I did in the first half of this semester. I was able to keep track of the discussion posts and respond to my peers in a reasonable fashion to help them and myself with our perceptions of the course material. This would be the second time I have balanced work, family life, and school by taking two master-level courses at the same time. We are heading towards a time in the school year where we are implementing district assessments and MAP testing and it proved to be taxing trying to balance reteaching with the EDLD courses. I was able to be a part of a collaborative group with Francys Machado, and  Guadalupe Juarez where we shared ideas and helped with our e-portfolio websites. We did this with every discussion post in this course. They both were extremely helpful in guiding my site to what it is now. With their help, I was able to meet deadlines and make sure my e-portfolio site was on track with the course material and requirements. The aspect of this course that I found difficult was making sure that my e-portfolio was easy to navigate. After looking at others' e-portfolios I found myself wanting to make my sight accessible and easier to navigate than the other sites that I reviewed. I am still learning how to make an effective website and my peers as a great source to see what works well. It helped make the task less daunting when I first started this program in August. The other instance where I had to make a site was during my bachelor's degree that showcased my lessons that were engaging and had cross-curricular connections. 


Collaborating is a key component in growing as an individual and this course was no different in that aspect of education. In the future, I want to be able to make the live sessions to help my group in real time rather than watching the recordings and not being able to respond in real-time. I found myself reminiscing from the previous half of the semester and I believe that I made strides to be more conscious in my effort with my classmates in discussion posts and in our groups.


I believe that this semester is what I strive to do in future semesters in relation to my contribution to my learning and the learning of my peers as it was insightful to hear feedback from others. If we plan to want our students to criticize their peers, we must not be an exception to the rules as well. This assignment made me think internally about what it means to truly have a growth mindset and to challenge myself to be better every day. 

EDLD 5303

Score 89- All of the Key components were met. ( I did not complete one discussion post) ​

EDLD 5313

Score 90 All of the key components were met

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