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5302 Course work

This section of my blog will focus on the coursework that I have completed during the EDLD 5302 course at Lamar University. Here you will find my growth mindset plan, learning manifesto, and my contribution to learning and the learning community course work. 

Growth Mindset Plan

Having a growth mindset is a vital skill for everyone to have. It is easy to fall into a fixed mindset as it is the road of least resistance.  We must choose the path that will challenge us even if it means that we fail along the way. The following document will discuss in detail how a growth mindset will help those that attend the School of Science and Technology. ​

Learning Manifesto

Digital learning has been a primary focus in education over the years but the COVID-19 outbreak helped bring to light technologies role in modern education. Instead of using technology as an easy option to be used as a side tool in learning, we must shift our focus to incorporating technology in other facets in order to enhance learning for our students. The following document will go in-depth further about using e-portfolios in the classroom to enhance the learning experience for students, parents, and teachers. 

Contribution to Your Learning and The Learning Community 5305 and 5302

Collaboration in education is vital to the success of any school. Higher learning is no exception to this and this course has opened my mind to this concept. This semester I was tasked to take two courses at Lamar University as well as balance being a teacher and PLC leader on my campus. This reflection has helped me understand the importance of understanding my limits and delegating tasks so that other aspects of my learning do not fall short. The following document will explain my contribution to my learning and to the learning community for these courses. 

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