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EDLD 5305

Welcome to the EDLD 5305 section of my blog site. This section of the website will focus on materials discussed and developed towards implementing change within my organization. 


Innovation Proposal

The innovation proposal is an in-depth explanation of why I want to implement an e-portfolio with my students. It outlines a basic plan for this to be integrated with the science curriculum at the School of Science and Technology. The following document will discuss it futher. 


Literature Review

The literature review discusses the importance of technology in education and how implementing an e-portfolio will enhance a learner's experience in education. The following document will discuss further findings and readings that support an e-portfolio in the classroom. 


Implementation Outline

This outline gives insight into the timeline for my proposal of the e-portfolio within the science curriculum. I will need the collaboration of current teachers, the IT department, and administrators. The following document will explain further my implementation outline. 


Contribution to Your Learning and the Learning Community

This gives insight into my progress within EDLD 5302 and 5305 since they were taken concurrently. This semester has shown me where I need to grow as a teacher and learner within the parameters of the scope and sequence of these courses. The document will discuss further how I rated myself in my contribution to learning during these courses. 

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