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EDLD 5303

Here you will find my course discussions and work that I have completed in the EDLD 5303 course at Lamar university. Please feel free to look around and leave a comment so I can grow as an educator. Thank you. 

About EDLD 5303 

The purpose of the EDLD 5303 course is to have a learner analyze fundamental principals on effective e-portfolio practices to utilize them within their innovation plan created in previous EDLD courses. Exploring and learning different avenues of e-portfolios is crucial to the implementation of this course and this section of my site will discuss those findings further. 

Why Use an Eportfolio

The use of an e-portfolio in the classroom has its pros and cons. I believe that utilizing e-portfolios with my classmates will be beneficial because it can showcase our different perspectives on our learning within the class parameters. It can also show how we differ in our own learning outcomes. It helps us take ownership of our learning while providing a space where we can consolidate our assignments and share our thoughts to better ourselves and others. The use of e-portfolios is a compelling tool that will challenge us and provide instances of professional development with each assignment and blog post. Finally, the use of e-portfolios can help show who we are as individuals and will provide our take on what we view as important with the guidelines of our assignments. 

Who Owns the ePortfolio

Ownership in learning is vital to having a high-value experience in education and this course is no different. The use of an e-portfolio is no different and it actually has a centralized area for a learner to showcase what they have learned in their own way. Using the COVA principle giving the learner the option to choose how they implement a e-portfolio is the first step in having students take ownership of their learning. This leads to them making meaningful connections with their learning and can help them truly care about their learning. Utilizing the first two aspects of COVA will be the best opportunity for students to have their voice and to have their voices heard within their classes. The use of e-portfolios will then lead learners to generate authentic work that will truly show their perspectives on what is being asked in assignments and assessments. 

Together, an e-portfolio can be a tool in education that shows a learner's authentic work and their own perspective on what is being taught so that they can take true ownership of their learning. 

Helping Each Other

In education, we ask our students to provide feedback on student work to help them bring a different perspective. This is the same with higher learning. In order to facilitate a growth mindset we must practice what we preach. We truly as never 100 percent complete with our work as there is always room for improvement. If we strive to stay in within our comfort zone, we will never grow as individuals. I welcome anyone to come to see my e-portfolio and to share theirs to receive feedback. Please feel free to reach out to me on my e-portfolio or email me at Thank you and have a great day! 

Contribution to Your Learning and the Learning Community

EDLD 5303 Applying Education Technology E-portfolio is my second set of courses for my master's program. I was able to contribute more than in my previous course due to not taking on as many responsibilities as I did in the first half of this semester. I was able to keep track of the discussion posts and respond to my peers in a reasonable fashion to help them and myself with our perceptions of the course material. This would be the second time I have balanced work, family life, and school by taking two master-level courses at the same time. We are heading towards a time in the school year where we are implementing district assessments and MAP testing and it proved to be taxing trying to balance reteaching with the EDLD courses. I was able to be a part of a collaborative group with Francys Machado, and  Guadalupe Juarez where we shared ideas and helped with our e-portfolio websites. We did this with every discussion post in this course. They both were extremely helpful in guiding my site to what it is now. With their help, I was able to meet deadlines and make sure my e-portfolio site was on track with the course material and requirements. The aspect of this course that I found difficult was making sure that my e-portfolio was easy to navigate. After looking at others' e-portfolios I found myself wanting to make my sight accessible and easier to navigate than the other sites that I reviewed. I am still learning how to make an effective website and my peers as a great source to see what works well. It helped make the task less daunting when I first started this program in August. The other instance where I had to make a site was during my bachelor's degree that showcased my lessons that were engaging and had cross-curricular connections. 


Collaborating is a key component in growing as an individual and this course was no different in that aspect of education. In the future, I want to be able to make the live sessions to help my group in real-time rather than watching the recordings and not being able to respond in real time. I found myself reminiscing from the previous half of the semester and I believe that I made strides to be more conscious in my effort with my classmates in discussion posts and in our groups.

I believe that this semester is what I strive to do in future semesters in relation to my contribution to my learning and the learning of my peers as it was insightful to hear feedback from others. If we plan to want our students to criticize their peers, we must not be an exception to the rules as well. This assignment made me think internally about what it means to truly have a growth mindset and to challenge myself to be better every day. 


Score 89- All of the Key components were met. ( I did not complete one discussion post) ​

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