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EDLD 5304

Welcome to the section of my blog that discusses the various discussions, materials, and assignments that will be conducted for the EDLD 5304 Course at Lamar University.This course will explore leadership theories and practices for leading digital and change in school systems. 

What is Your Why?

For an organization to be successful it must understand the "why" of what they do. According to Sinek (2009) not every organization knows the "why" related to what they do and this is the defining indicator of success and failure. As an educator, I must not lose sight of the true goal of teaching which is to prepare my students socially, emotionally, and academically. 


The question of what your "why" can be followed with resistance to change. I am proud that my school currently embraces change I am looking forward to having my innovation plan implemented in the coming years. I understand that it will be met with resistance as most new ideas are but I will utilize what Kotter (2011) discusses that we must not lecture one but rather create a sense of urgency within ourselves to promote change. 













The success of my students leads the "why" within my press for change and I will do everything within my power to achieve the desired outcome. This change will require a lot of buy-in from science teachers as well. The biggest problem I will need to overcome is getting our students 1-to-1 on Chromebooks which will allow my e-portfolio plan to move forward smoothly. An e-portfolio will help students see their growth over the years while helping them take ownership of their learning and make real-world connections to the material being taught. 




Kotter, J. (2011). The heart of change. . Retrieved from 

Sinek, S. (2009). Start with why: Simon Sinek TED talk. . Retrieved from

whats your why.png

Influencer Strategy Part A and B


The plan for my Influencer strategy is to promote student engagement with authentic work while they track their progress in real-time with an e-portfolio. This will help them showcase their authentic work while tracking student growth from MAP, District assessments, and STAAR scores in STAAR-tested grade levels in Science. ( 3rd, 5th, and 8th grade) 


Part A


Results: I want to have 3rd, 5th, and 8th-grade teachers utilize the e-portfolio within their classroom to centralize student generated work while also providing data points for MAP, District assessments, and STAAR scores from the previous years in the following academic year. 


Vital Behaviors: 

- Teachers will utilize technology to apply the e-portfolio within their classroom and curriculum. 

- Teachers will help students track their growth from data collected from MAP, District assessments, and STAAR

- Teachers and administration will hold each other accountable while collaborate during Collaborative Teacher Time. 



- The PLC Science Leader will verify access to e-portfolio documents and rubrics 

- At weekly PLC meetings, teachers will share goals and objectives as well as struggles and accomplishments they have faced in their classrooms

- Teachers will keep notes or video blogs about their e-portfolio implementation journey through the PLC 4 guiding questions 


Organization Influencers 

- Campus Administration

- Curriculum ILTs

- PLC leaders

-IT personnel

- 3rd , 5th and 8th grade teachers

Part B


Installing 4DX with Your Organization



My Innovation plan was based on my teaching philosophy to bring a hands-on approach to learning with the science curriculum for my school. I have started the process of introducing the growth mindset within my classroom and to my colleagues which will hopefully lead to the change discussed in my innovation plan. Starting this process was daunting but have been introduced to The Four Disciplines of Execution by McChesney, Covey, and Hulig (2021), which gave me the framework to properly execute my overall goal. This book gave me insight into how to reach my goal while encountering resistance that normally comes with change. These four disciplines or 4DX are modeled in these four disciplines:


  • Focus on the Wildly Important Goal ( WIG) 

  • Act on Lead Measures 

  • Keep a Scoreboard 

  • Create a Cadence of Accountability


This model is useful in achieving any goal and is designed with producing great results in mind. ( McChesney, et al., 2021) In order to meet these goals we must change certain behaviors within ourselves and our team dynamic. This will lead to positive change that will overcome the inevitable resistance that comes with change in an organization. The 5 behaviors of change that people face during this implementation of 4DX are detailed by McChesney, et al., as the following: 


  • Getting Clear

  • Launch

  • Adoption

  • Optimization

  • Habits


For the first stage of Getting Clear, I will focus on meeting consistently to focus on our WIG or Wildly Important Goal which will ensure that everyone is participating in the collaboration part of this stage. This will help everyone have a personal stake in the outcome of the WIG. The second stage of Launch, is to identify which members of the team are categorized into the models ( those who are on board), potentials ( those who struggle at first), and the resisters (those who do not want to get on board). ( McCarthy, et, al., 2021) Once we have identified these categories we can move on to launching our WIG. Thirdly we move on to the Adoption phase which will lead to team members becoming more accountable for themselves and others during the implementation of the WIG. During this stage, we must stay mindful of the process and then the results so as to not lose sight of what we are doing. As time progresses we must make the appropriate measures and changes while tracking results on a visible scoreboard. Next, we move on to stage four of Optimization which entails the shift to the 4DX mindset. This is when team members optimize their performance to get the results that lead to the WIG. Finally, for stage 5 Habits, we can see the results we want with a clear path to our WIG of implementing a blended learning approach while incorporating an e-portfolio in science-tested grade levels. 


The Influencer Model and 4DX


The influencer model focuses on the individual effort or an individual's contributions within an organization or team. It does not focus on the team effort aspect that the 4DX model goes into detail with. On the other side of the spectrum, the 4DX model focuses on the team-based approach and how to overcome resistance to reach our overall goal. The influencer model helped me see what I can work on in order to influence my organization that change is needed to move forward in a positive direction while the 4DX model helped me realize that we are as strongest as our weakest link and we must help each other accordingly. Both models gave me the tools I need in order to change behavior while overcoming resistance that is witnessed when we bring change. Utilizing both these models will bring the results we need in order to attain our goals. 




McChesney, C., Covey, S., & Huling, J. (2021). The 4 disciplines of execution: Achieving your wildly important goals. Simon & Schuster.

Contribution to Your Learning Community and the Learning Community 5304

This semester during EDLD 5304 I felt I was more prepared to give my perspective on the different assignments and discussion posts. My group members were especially helpful in helping me navigate the course work and discussion posts in this course. In the beginning of the the EDLD program I was no receptive to my learning community as the format was different than other masters programs but now I feel I have got the hang of the process. I have gained a new found respect for the learning community and the value it has in my growth as an educator. 


Working with Shaneigh Smith. Luz Uribe, Francys Machado and Christy Alsanders helped me fix my errors in my assignments as well as give their perspective on how to approach some of the assignments. Without their input I believe I would have been lost on a portion of the assignments. The changing behavior assignment was an eye opening experience as it has helped me gain insight on how to garner the change I want for my school and grade levels. Pairing this discussion with the Influencer strategy helped me see where I can improve my team and myself for the overall goal of my innovation plan. Identifying the day-to-day whirlwinds in the 4 disciplines of execution discussion helped me understand where I need to make attainable goals that are reasonable and tangible for my team and myself. Finally the differentiated leadership discussion helped me understand how being an effective leader requires having crucial conversations while overcoming challenges that may arise. 


I have met every deadline in this course and posted it to its appropriate section in my portfolio website. I completed all of the course readings, videos and supporting resources. There were instances where I believe I couldve put more effort but was limited on that due to testing on my campus and PLC leadership duties. This course has helped me grow as an educator to help reach my goal in my innovation plan. 


Self Assessment Score- 91 EDLD 5304 

Self-differentiated leadership and bringing the organization change process together

It has been a goal that was set when I first became a teacher to lead others in a positive manner to change a school in a way that will benefit teachers and students alike. The course EDLD 5304 has given me the insight that I need in order to grow as a leader. During this course I learned how to differentiate leadership and how to have those crucial conversations. I also learned how to remain empathetic to those around me and myself. Keeping in mind the success of our students has been the biggest “why” on my journey of becoming an effective leader. Every student is capable of learning and must be given the respect of explanation so that they can understand the importance of their education. 


The “why” has lead me to focus on installing 4DX in my organization so that the teachers that I oversee as a PLC leader can model this behvaior to facilitate change. This is what leads to a leader to become a differentiated leader. A differentiated leader is someone that has well defined boundaries and does not inherently identify with one side of a group or team. As stated by Patterson, Grenny, and Switzler, (2012), we must be unstuck from ourselves in order to be authentic and honest. In order to do so we must create respect for our peers and ourselves. It is also important to leave emotions at the door in order to master our stories. We must take control of our stories and not the other way around in order to have our crucial conversations with our peers. ( Patterson et, al. 2012) 


Utilizing these aspects of 4DX and the “why” will help be differentiate my leadership that will be beneficial to my organization. This will make it easier to have our crucial conversations when the needs arise in order to facilitate the change that is needed for our students and ourselves. Crucial Conversations are needed in order to facilitate change and this aspect is needed to help the inevitable resisters that come with change.  




Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2012). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high. New York: McGraw-Hill.Vital Smarts India. (2012, February 10). Crucial conversations explained in two minutes [Video file]. Retrieved from

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