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Creating a Culture of Helpfulness and Growth Mindset

The concept of "yet" stands out to me because it is not set in stone. This is the basis of a growth mindset because there is no end all be all when it comes to becoming a better individual. It lets others and myself know that I am not where I want to be but I am open to bettering myself on a daily basis. This will help shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. The concept of "yet" aligns with one of my favorite sayings in Latin, Aut inveniam viam aut faciam, which translates to I shall either find a way or make one. I strive to be constantly learning or growing with every facet of my everyday life.

A growth mindset can change my outlook on life because it gives me the opportunity to look at shortcomings from a different perspective. Yes, I did not meet my goal but what can I learn from this lesson in order to better myself for future endeavors. The growth mindset can be a crucial tool for teachers and students alike if it is used properly. In relation to students' preoccupation with grades, if students are optimistic about their growth but are not truly reflecting on what they can do better, then they will not utilize a growth mindset to its full potential.

Utilizing growth mindset videos such as TED talks and anchor charts I can help keep myself on a path that is of constant growth. The fixed mindset is the trail of less resistance but it does not challenge me as an individual. It helps avoid challenges rather than face them head-on. I find myself leaning more towards a growth mindset because I take on challenges that will help me grow rather than avoid them for convenience. If I ask my students to always look for growth I must model that in my profession as well.

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