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Connecting and Communicating My Innovation Plan

This course has challenged me in order to grow as an educator. I have learned the importance of disruptive innovation in a classroom. Without these innovations, teaching will remain stagnet and students will not be receiving a quality education.

The idea of disruptive education was a new concept to me but once I learned more about it I was drawn to impement it with our chromebooks on campus. I did not want to venture outside of what we currently have so that I may focus on implementing this plan to its fullest potential rather than being hindered by budgets and avaliable technology. I wanted to also keep the technology with a sense of fimiliarity with the students at my campus. I currently had my students working on a science portfolio but was perplexed by the notion that they will not use them when they move on to the next grade level. This is when I decided that I wanted my students to work on implementing an e-portfolio.

I submitted my plan for approval and explained how having my students could utilize an e-portfolio to maximize their learning while taking ownership of their education. I feel that my students would benefit from this as they can see how they have progressed in their pursuit of knowledge in science from elementary, middle and high school.

Once I was able to move forward with this plan, I completed a literature review. This gave me insight on the importance and guidelines of implementing an e-portfolio and how it can have a positive influence on their educational experience. Here are a few of the readings that I hope to encourage educators and stakeholders to read, which are:

Meyer, Barbara, and Nancy Latham. “Implementing Electronic Portfolios: Benefits, Challenges, and Suggestions.”, 13 Feb. 2008,

Stefani, Lorraine, et al. The Educational Potential of E-Portfolios. Routledge, 26 Apr. 2007.

With the help of my peers and professor, I hope to start this process by next school year. To maximize the full potential of this plan I would need the science department to work together to discuss strengths and weaknesses of technology implementation in the classroom, as well as working with administration to help move forward with this e-portfolio in the science curriculum.

Science is a life long pursuit and I hope to inspire my school and others to document their progress to not only showcase their work but to understand where they have come from and where they can head to next in their learning.


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